Back office

We support our partners with a professional team of experts, so that they can carry out their work as efficiently as possible.


Evaluations admissible in court based on various international standards
(equity method FTC, entity method APV, WACC approach)


Continuous analysis from the environment, processing of urban planning data and facts, legal framework, B-plan, changes of use

Letting analysis

Concept steering, lease contract analysis, rent forecasts

Technical due diligence

DD assessments, final assessment from the point of view of investors


Preparation of market-oriented teasers, presentation of graphics and calculation models, marketing brochures

Public affairs

Public sector projects are accompanied by media relations, events, information brochures


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Back office

We support our partners with a professional team of experts, so that they can carry out their work as efficiently as possible.


Evaluations admissible in court based on various international standards
(equity method FTC, entity method APV, WACC approach)


Continuous analysis from the environment, processing of urban planning data and facts, legal framework, B-plan, changes of use

Letting analysis

Concept steering, lease contract analysis, rent forecasts

Technical due diligence

DD assessments, final assessment from the point of view of investors


Preparation of market-oriented teasers, presentation of graphics and calculation models, marketing brochures

Public affairs

Public sector projects are accompanied by media relations, events, information brochures


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